Smart Solutions Made For You
Operating an office can be difficult and complicated without the proper equipment and infrastructure. Whether your network is completely hardwired or wireless,cabling will always be a factor. Future proof your office’s wiring by: Upgrading from cabling, computer, and VPN remote connection. With phone equipment: o control your phone lines with one of our legacy or hosted IP telephone systems, o add a voicemail o manage your messages. Make any mobile phone an extension of the office phone system—complete with call handling features and speed dials. Provided with security and a monthly checkup We also provide more services such as Wireless router and firewall configuarion, troubleshooting network and router issues, technical support 24/7, and more, (Listed in the Services page).
* c o m p u t e r - r e p a i r s * / - * i n s t a l l a t i o n * t u i t i o n * - c u s t o m - b u i l d s * / - * *
Tel: 212 918-8130